Anxiety In Product Development
I just read a blog post titled Anxiety in product development. This person did such an excellent job of articulating the pains that a company gets into that I felt I need to share. It is specifically talking about software development, but many of the points are applicable to all industries. [...]
Getting The Most Out Of Your Team
How to get the most out of your people Are you a leader who has a problem delegating work to others? Or maybe you have [...]
Fear of Failure
Is it just a catchy phrase? Everyone by now has probably heard companies talk about “celebrating failure” or the famous one at Facebook, “move fast [...]
Twiddling Your Levers
Make sure you know which levers you are really pulling When building a business there are many levers you can adjust. Security. Time to Market. [...]
Common Problems Startups and Small Businesses Make
Do you fall into this group? I recently gave a presentation to the startup incubator program associated with Southeast Community College. In it I talk [...]
How To Know When It Is Time To Fire Someone
It is one of the most important decisions you will ever make As leaders, we have all been there. You have an employee that is [...]
People Don’t Want Your Sh*t
So find out what they do want A common problem I see in sales is the fallacy that the person you are talking to [...]
Is Being a Good Person Causing You To Fail?
Focus is the key Steve Jobs had a lot of questionable qualities. He could be narcissistic (he reportedly never gave any of his money [...]
Who Is Your Champion?
aka, How to scale your organization I was reading an excellent blog post on the classic book “High Output Management” by Andy Grove. The [...]
You Want It Black, Right?
Henry Ford famously said: “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.” In the startup [...]
Charlatans Changing The World
I was reading my favorite tech site today (HackerNews) and came across something that resonated with me. I was doing what I always do, which [...]
Let’s Work Together
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