
Fear of Failure

Is it just a catchy phrase? Everyone by now has probably heard companies talk about “celebrating failure” or the famous one at Facebook, “move fast and break things”. I am a big believer in this methodology, but in some circles it often exhibits eye rolls and mockery. I get that. Whenever something starts [...]

Fear of Failure2022-09-01T12:09:48-05:00

Twiddling Your Levers

Make sure you know which levers you are really pulling When building a business there are many levers you can adjust. Security. Time to Market. Customer Satisfaction. These are just some examples and it will vary per business. This is not news to you, I am sure. Also not news is that when [...]

Twiddling Your Levers2022-09-01T12:09:49-05:00

Common Problems Startups and Small Businesses Make

Do you fall into this group? I recently gave a presentation to the startup incubator program associated with Southeast Community College. In it I talk about problems finding focus, implementing tools and processes too soon or waiting too long, pricing your product or services, and scaling your business to allow for personal space [...]

Common Problems Startups and Small Businesses Make2022-09-01T12:09:50-05:00

How To Know When It Is Time To Fire Someone

It is one of the most important decisions you will ever make As leaders, we have all been there. You have an employee that is making mistakes, or under performing, or sowing discontent among other employees. You have talked to them. Bargained with them. Maybe even threatened them. But the behavior continues. How [...]

How To Know When It Is Time To Fire Someone2022-09-01T12:09:51-05:00

Is Being a Good Person Causing You To Fail?

Focus is the key Steve Jobs had a lot of questionable qualities. He could be narcissistic (he reportedly never gave any of his money to charity), he could be arrogant and, by all accounts, he was ruthless with people who worked for him. He famously denied that his daughter was his and [...]

Is Being a Good Person Causing You To Fail?2022-09-01T12:09:53-05:00

Who Is Your Champion?

aka, How to scale your organization I was reading an excellent blog post on the classic book “High Output Management” by Andy Grove. The blog post does a better job of summarizing the book than I ever could, so go read it now. I want to talk about an aspect of leadership [...]

Who Is Your Champion?2022-09-01T12:09:54-05:00

You Want It Black, Right?

Henry Ford famously said: “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.” In the startup world that is an often cited example of what stance to take with your customers, telling them what they can have rather than indulging whims of irrelevant fancy. [...]

You Want It Black, Right?2022-09-01T12:09:55-05:00
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